A pitch for a Long -  Festival Paris Court in front

La Screenwriters' House et WeFilmGood in partnership with the Festival Paris Court in front launch 'A pitch for a Long' a call for feature film projects for the Paris Court Devant Festival 2024.

This involves presenting a feature-length fiction or animation project in French regardless of your nationality. The selected authors will be invited to pitch their project live to local then a presentation during the festival Paris Courts Ahead.

The deadline for sending files is fixed at 5th November 2023.


Short film - Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

La Screenwriters' House et WeFilmGood in partnership with the Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival  launch a call to Short film projects for the Clermont Ferrand Short Film Festival 2024.

This involves presenting a short fiction or animation film in French or English. The selected authors will be invited to pitch their project in “one to one” Has local when Clermont Ferrand Short Film Festival 2024.
Authors whose projects are selected will benefit from accreditation for the festival.

The deadline for sending files is fixed at 12th November 2023.


Download the calls for projects on the page below


For any additional information: Hello@maisondesscenaristes.org