Find a filming location
The database of filming locations references more than 600 different locations in Gironde.
In the heart of the Gironde we find the city of Bordeaux, whose 18th century architecture of the historic center is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as Bordeaux Métropole, the metropolis of New Aquitaine which has 28 municipalities.
Obviously, we no longer present the Arcachon basin to you, with its dazzling scenery, its oyster beds, its tchanquées cabins and its fine sandy beaches.
126 km of coastline and beaches, fifteen lakes, more than twenty rivers and the ocean as far as the eye can see. It is also 480 hectares of forest, vast vineyards and remote villages.
The database of filming locations also references exceptional locations, so we find classic locations such as castles, or private apartments with their vaults and moldings or villas by architects (contemporary architecture, Bordeaux school , etc..)