The CNC is organizing a webinar for authors on Thursday, September 29. During this day, the 9 writing support systems will be presented as well as the news related to them. A time for discussion will be organized with the CNC teams at the end of each presentation.

The program of the day :

Introduction: Perrine Vincent, “author” advisor

Cinema: Assistance with script writing and rewriting and design assistance / Galatée Castelin, project manager

10:45 p.m. - 12 p.m .:
Audiovisual: FAIA fiction/animation – creation assistance (concept/writing), rewriting, co-writing of international series co-productions / Louis Bonneau, project manager, Tiffany Fontaine and Violette Borel, managers

12 p.m. - 12 p.m .:
Images of Diversity: Help with writing / Justine Cote, project manager

14 p.m. - 14 p.m .:
Documentary Innovation Support Fund: Writing assistance / Marine Coatalem, project manager

CNC Talent: Creation assistance / Cécile Delacoudre, project manager

Immersive Creation Aid Fund (ex: XN): Writing aid / Alexandra Cola, project manager

16:15 p.m. - 17 p.m .:
Video Game Aid Fund: Writing aid / Alexandra Cola, project manager

17 p.m. - 17 p.m .:
Fund for Young Francophone Creation: Development aid for authors from Francophone Africa / Noemi Kahn, project manager

Help with authoring: Perrine Vincent, “author” advisor