The short movie Sardine by Johanna Caraire produced by Sister productions received the special mention from the student jury at the 2023 Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival.
This short film directed by a Gironde, Johanna Caraire, produced by Julie Paratian, producer at Sister Prod in Gironde was supported by the Department of Gironde and accompanied by Gironde Tournages.
Sardine by Johanna Caraire
- Duration: 31 min
- Producer: Sister Productions
- Synopsis: Eve, 35, had promised her recently deceased grandmother to accompany her to the island of Lanzarote to the Burial of the Sardine, a pagan feast with cathartic virtues. Barely arrived on this pebble island, Eve, who is desperately trying to become a mother, sees her retirement disrupted by the unexpected arrival of her two best friends, bringing with them, long before the Sardine which is announced, the idea of chaos.
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