The Full Circle Lab Nouvelle-Aquitaine international training program aims to support and accompany the writing, development and post-production of 6 feature films closely related to the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region in France.
The laboratory is aimed at emerging and confirmed filmmakers, French and international projects.

It draws on the local film ecosystem of festival and residency initiatives such as clos-FIFIB, the Biarritz Bal Lab, the Jump In program of the Poitiers Film Festival and promotes synergies with filmmakers and producers active in the region.

The program, financially supported by Alca New Aquitaine, Department of Lot-et-Garonne and Gironde Tournages, takes the form of residential and online workshops.

1ST MODULE: Development laboratory

During the first 7 months of the Lab, the four selected projects focus on the development of scenarios and projects.

  • Module & architecture
    The Development Lab selects 4 projects, which will have the chance to attend two residential workshops, each lasting four full working days, and 1 industry event. The Full Circle Lab Nouvelle-Aquitaine is open to scriptwriter/director and producer teams. Both will participate in the workshops.
  • Individual follow-up
    During the last months of the program, the projects are monitored individually. Depending on their needs, participation in a specific co-production forum or film industry event will be offered and facilitated, whether in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, in France or internationally.
  • Three on-site sessions
    The first workshop takes place at La Maison Forte in Monbalen, from June 21 to 25, 2023, and offers an analysis of the treatment with the main axes of rewriting, advice on the co-production plan and the strategy of markets and festivals. The second workshop takes place at Villa Valmont in Gironde, from October 4 to 8, 2023 and offers script analysis and distribution advice. The third phase takes place in Poitiers during the Poitiers Film Festival where participants pitch their projects at the Auditorium TAP – Théâtre on December 8, 2023 and meet sellers and distributors.
  • Great flexibility
    The limited number of participants and projects will allow great flexibility in the agenda, moving from plenary sessions to group sessions, and individual consultations if necessary.

2ND MODULE: First cutting laboratory

This second module will select 2 feature films in the editing phase, supported by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region for their production.

  • Module & architecture
    The First Cut Lab is open to the filmmaker, producer and editor of the project and takes place online. The exact dates of the workshop are chosen in agreement with the selected teams to best meet the needs of their films. The workshop takes place during the period from May 29 to October 31, 2023 . Each film is accompanied by First Cut Lab for a duration of approximately 3 weeks, even if the heart of the Lab takes place over two consecutive days.
  • Tools provided for the future
    After the workshop, the film team receives a memo of the discussions and all the suggestions, to serve as a roadmap for the rest of the editing.
  • Tailor-made advisors
    The heart is an in-depth discussion where filmmakers can test their questions and dilemmas with carefully chosen film industry experts. An editor consultant accompanies the teams throughout the process with preparation and follow-up meetings.



Who is it for? 

  • Writers/directors from Nouvelle-Aquitaine, initiators of a project having benefited from selective national/regional subsidies or having reached the plenary committee for a request for regional funding;
  • Producers from Nouvelle-Aquitaine, initiators of a project having benefited from selective international, national or regional aid;

The project :

  • Projects supported by the Region or by the delegated services;
  • Projects supported within the framework of festivals (clos-FIFIB residences, Biarritz Bal Lab, Poitiers Film Festival) and partner residences (La Prévôté, Chalet Mauriac, La Maison Bleue, Atelier Claude Miller).
  • Only projects that received support (grants or programs) in 2021, 2022 and 2023 are eligible.

Applicants to the Development Lab and First Cut Lab must submit their file complete application before April 25, 2023.

For any request for information, please contact:



April 25th – Application deadline

21th May 2023 – Announcement of the participants and projects selected at the Cannes Film Festival

21-25 June 2023 – First residential workshop at La Maison Forte, Monbalen

 4-8 October 2023 – Second residential workshop at Villa Valmont in Gironde

December 8, 2023 – Industry day during the Poitiers Film Festival in Poitiers

For more information