The CLOS is an artistic residence, organized by the FIFIB – the International Independent Film Festival of Bordeaux. It welcomes projects for short and feature films, fiction or creative documentaries, and will be held from 5 13 in October in Lormont, at the Chalet-Baron. The festival bears the costs of accommodation, catering and transport for the winners. The residency ends with the restitution of the work carried out within the framework of the FIFIB creation, at the same time as the festival, which will take place this year from October 12 to 17, 2022.
The latter includes:
- a presentation of the project in front of producers and broadcasters
- one-on-one meetings with professionals.
To receive a development grant in the amount of €1, candidates must be based in a French-speaking country. The application file must consist of:
- a visual pitch (short video presenting the film of three minutes maximum, which must shed light on the narration and the staging intentions)
- a long synopsis (two pages maximum)
- a note of intent (one page presenting the line of work, the speaker envisaged, the residencies carried out, the stages of financing, etc.)
- a CV with filmography.
Do not hesitate to send these documents in the form of a single PDF file to the following email address: You will need to indicate the following information in the subject of the email: LE CLOS 2022 + Project title, First name NAME director + LM or CM (the title of the PDF must follow the same nomenclature). The deadline for applications is July 7, 2022 at midnight.
To contact the FIFIB if you have any requests regarding this call for applications, please send an email to the following address:
To join the FIFIB-Création page: